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Jace Clayton is an artist and writer, also known for his work as DJ /rupture. He is Assistant Professor of Studio Art and Director of Graduate Studies at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College. Clayton is the author of Uproot: Travels in 21st Century Music and Digital Culture (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016) and the forthcoming Behold the Monkey, for which he received a 2020 Arts Writers Grant, about contemporary art, faith, and social media. As an artist, Clayton’s interdisciplinary approach focuses on how sound, memory, and public space interact, with an emphasis on low-income communities and non-Western geographies. His writing appears in publications including 4Columns, Artforum, frieze, Bidoun, and New York Times Magazine. He has performed in over three dozen countries, as a solo artist and as director of large ensemble performances. His work has been exhibited internationally, most recently with They Are Part (2023) a solo exhibition at MassArt Art Museum in Boston.